Q: How soon can I know that I’m pregnant?
A: Our pregnancy tests are accurate 5 days after you miss your period.
Q: What are the symptoms of pregnancy?
A: Breast tenderness, nausea, tiredness, increased urination; many people have no symptoms.
Q: I took a home pregnancy test that was positive; how can I know it is accurate?
A: It is best to have it confirmed by a medical provider or medical clinic such as the Outreach Clinic.
Q: What are the signs of a miscarriage?
A: Bleeding that is heavier than your typical menstrual period; moderate to severe cramping pain in the pelvis, lower back or abdomen.
Q: What is an ectopic pregnancy?
A: A pregnancy that is growing in the wrong place in the body, frequently in the Fallopian tube. Symptoms would include severe pain centered on one side of the abdomen or pelvis; lightheadedness, dizziness or blackouts; bleeding may or may not be present.