Individual Fertility Education
Take Charge of Your Health
Hormones regulate a woman’s monthly cycle and affect many major systems every month including blood sugar, thyroid levels, mental clarity, physical abilities, skin issues, and even mood! At Outreach Clinic, we teach the FEMM method of tracking biomarkers. Tracking helps a woman achieve or avoid pregnancy as well as monitor total and gynecological health. FEMM has a free app that makes charting accessible and easy. With this powerful knowledge, you’ll be able to read and interpret what is going on in your body.
If you have health issues or problems with your cycle, learning your own body’s biomarkers can help identify underlying hormonal imbalances that may be behind your symptoms. Learning to understand your biomarkers can provide you with the knowledge you need to achieve your health goals.
Manage Your Fertility
According to a large body of medical research, a woman is fertile 5-7 days out of each cycle. By learning to read the signs of your body, you can effectively identify your days of fertility and infertility. Fertility Awareness is NOT the rhythm method. Rather than using past cycles to predict future fertility, Fertility Awareness focuses on reading a woman’s signs each day to determine where she is at in her cycle. The CDC confirms that Fertility Awareness Methods can be over 99% effective when applied correctly.
Outreach Clinic features FEMM – Fertility Education & Medical Management. Outreach Clinic is equipped to provide comprehensive evidenced-based education on fertility.